Daily Chemical Materials

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Daily chemicals refer to daily chemicals, mainly including cosmetics, detergents and oral care products commonly used in people's daily life, which are closely related to people's daily life. At present, China's daily chemical products market includes personal beauty care products and home care products. The main representative enterprises still take Procter & Gamble, Unilever and other multinational daily chemical enterprises as the main enterprises. However, with the development of China's economy, China's local daily chemical enterprises begin to occupy a place in the fields of washing products and oral care.
industrial chain-industrial chain is relatively single
The upstream of the industrial chain of the daily chemical industry is mainly the supply of raw materials, the midstream is mainly the production of daily chemical products and other links, and the downstream is mainly the sales channel.

At present, the upstream raw materials of the daily chemical industry mainly include surfactants, alkyl benzene, fatty alcohols, 4A zeolite and other chemicals. The representative enterprises are divided into domestic enterprises and overseas enterprises. Among them, the representative enterprises of local chemical materials in China include Zanyu Technology and Lichen Group, while the foreign enterprises are mainly multinational enterprises such as BASF and Fengyi Oil.
The midstream of the daily chemical industry is mainly the production link of daily chemicals. The representative companies in the cosmetics field include L'Oreal Paris, Estee Lauder, Shanghai Jahwa, etc. Detergents and household cleaning products are dominated by Libai Group, Nais Group and multinational daily chemical giants such as Procter & Gamble and Unilever. The field of oral cleaning includes China's local enterprises, such as Good Chemical, Yunnan Baiyao, as well as international giants Colgate-Ole-B and other overseas enterprises.
The downstream of the daily chemical industry is mainly sales channels, divided into online and offline two parts. At present, China's daily chemical industry offline channels mainly include Wal-Mart, RT-Mart and other large-scale business super. Online e-commerce platforms mainly include Tmall, Taobao and Jingdong. In recent years, with the development of science and technology, live delivery has sprung up, the daily chemical industry online live delivery has also become a new trend, the main online delivery platform includes shaking sound, fast hand and so on.

China's daily chemical industry market is more and more perfect
Because the daily chemical industry is closely related to people's lives, my country attaches great importance to the development of product quality in the daily chemical industry, and has issued a number of regulations on the sampling inspection of daily chemical products. In June 2020, the State Council issued the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics to improve the classification management system of cosmetics and cosmetic raw materials, increase the punishment of counterfeiters in the daily cosmetics industry, and provide a better business environment for the entire industry. The Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics will come into force on January 1, 2021.
In addition to the daily chemical products themselves to do the introduction of a sound quality standards and other policies, at the same time for daily chemicals issued a series of environmental protection policies, specific national level on the daily chemical industry, the main policies are summarized as follows:

China's daily chemical industry market size accounted for an increasing proportion of the global
In terms of global data, the size of the global daily chemical market was on the rise year by year from 2015 to 2019, and in 2020, the size of the global daily chemical market declined for the first time due to a decline in consumer confidence due to the new crown epidemic, which reduced the purchase of high-end daily chemical products. The global daily chemical industry market size was $652.968 billion billion in 2020, down 0.82 percent year-on-year from 2019.
From the perspective of China's daily chemical market, the market size of China's daily chemical industry is increasing year by year from 2015 to 2020. In 2020, under the impact of the new crown epidemic, the market size of China's daily chemical industry still maintained a growth rate of 5.83, becoming one of the few positive growth markets in the global daily chemical market. China's daily chemical market will reach $90.675 billion billion in 2020, up 5.83 percent year-on-year from 2019.
With the growth of my country's economy and the improvement of people's living standards, people began to gradually develop from the "can be used" point of view towards the pursuit of quality when buying daily chemical products. Therefore, the market scale of my country's daily chemical industry is getting larger and larger. The proportion of the global daily chemical industry market is also increasing. In 2020, China's daily chemical industry accounted for 13.89 of the global market size of the daily chemical industry, an increase of 3.86 percentage points over 2015.

high-end daily chemical products to Europe and the United States big brand as the main products
China's high-end daily chemical products brands mainly in Europe and the United States as the main products, of which L'Oreal's Lancome ranked first with 7.4 percent of the market share; followed by Estee Lauder's Estee Lauder brand with 6.8 percent of the market share ranked second; Dior ranked third with 4.3 percent of the market share.

Volkswagen daily chemical products in Europe, America, South Korea and China's local brands
China's mass daily chemical market is dominated by European and American brands, local brands and South Korea brands. In 2019, L'Oreal Paris, a popular daily chemical brand in China, ranked first with a market share of 5.3 per cent; China's local brand, Baiqueling, ranked second with a market share of 4.0 per cent; and Olay ranked third with a market share of 3.3 per cent.

personal care products are the main daily chemical products in China
In 2020, China's daily chemical industry will focus on personal care products. In 2020, China's personal care products will achieve sales revenue of US $73.763 billion, accounting for 81.35 per cent of the total size of China's daily chemical industry, while household daily chemical products will achieve sales revenue of US $16.912 billion per cent, accounting for 18.65 per cent of the total size of China's daily chemical industry.

Personal care products market products to multinational brands as the main products
Personal care products mainly include cosmetics, skin care products and oral care products for personal use. At present, the top two in China's personal care product market are L'Oreal Paris and Lancome, accounting for 3.1 and 2.4 of China's personal care product market respectively. China's local brands Baiqueling and Natural Hall respectively rank third and sixth in China's personal care product market, accounting for 2.3 and 1.8 of China's personal care product market respectively.
From the 2019 China's personal care product brand TOP10, basically to L'Oreal, Procter & Gamble, Estee Lauder and other international brands as the main brands, China's only 100 birds and natural hall on the list. This shows that China's daily chemical brand in the field of personal care products there is still a large space for development.

Personal Care Products-Cosmetics Market Growing in Size
With the continuous development of my country's economy and the continuous improvement of residents' income levels, under the development of the Chinese market by major cosmetics companies in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, the concept of cosmetics consumption of domestic consumers has gradually increased, and the scale of the domestic cosmetics market has expanded rapidly. According to the Euromonitor, the size of China's cosmetics market reached 321.859 billion billion yuan in 2019, up 16.87 percent year-on-year from 2018.
In 2020, as the public's awareness of cosmetics is no longer unfamiliar, the willingness and ability of Chinese young people to consume cosmetics are gradually increasing, and cosmetics have gradually become a necessity in people's daily life. According to the Euromonitor estimates of the scale of China's cosmetics in 2020, the scale of China's cosmetics market will continue to expand in 2020, with the market size reaching about 343 billion yuan.

personal care-skin care is the most important cosmetic products in China
In 2019, skin care accounted for a larger share of China's cosmetics industry structure, at 75.94 per cent; followed by makeup products at 17.15 per cent of total sales, and sunscreen care and perfume accounted for 3.86 per cent and 3.06 per cent of China's cosmetics industry's total sales, respectively.

Personal Care Products-Oral Care Products Market Share Increases Year Over Year
2010-2019 China's oral products industry market size is increasing year by year. The market size of China's oral products industry was 46.224 billion billion yuan in 2019, up 10.40 percent year-on-year from 2018. Consumer confidence in oral care products will decline in 2020 due to the epidemic, but since oral care products are basically necessities of life, the growth rate of oral care products will decline but will still be in a state of growth. According to the Euromonitor forecast data, the market size of China's oral products industry in 2020 is about 49.1 billion yuan.

personal care-toothpaste is the most important oral care products in China
In 2019, toothpaste is the largest sales amount of oral products in China, accounting for 61.88 of the total sales of China's oral products industry. Mouthwash/tooth rinse and tooth whitener account for 1.45 and 0.19 percent of the total sales of China's oral products industry, respectively.

China's local brands basically occupy the top three of China's top ten household daily chemical product brands
In the field of household daily chemical products, China's local brands have a high market share. According to the Euromonitor data, in 2020, China's household daily chemical products market top three all to China's local products, respectively, Guangzhou Libai's Libai, Naais's carving brand and Guangzhou Blue Moon's Blue Moon, the market share of 13.7 percent, 9.6 percent and 6.6 percent, respectively.
International brands such as Omo and Tide have been squeezed to the fourth and fifth places by my country's local products, which shows that my country's local products have a good development prospect in the field of household daily chemical products in my country.

Home Care Products-Washing Supplies Market Size Increases, but Slightly Declines in 2020
From 2010 to 2019, the market size of China's washing products industry showed an upward trend year by year. In 2020, due to the new crown epidemic, consumers began to choose more hygienic at-home washing methods, which led to a decrease in the use of washing products in laundries with the largest demand for washing products in previous years. Therefore, the market size of China's washing products industry in 2020 was 71.172 billion yuan, down 0.30 from 2019.

home care-washing powder is still the most important washing products in China
According to the data provided by the Euromonitor, the highest sales of washing products in China in 2020 are washing powder, accounting for 32.96 percent of the country's total sales; followed by automatic detergents accounting for 29.58 percent of the country's washing products industry sales; and standard detergents accounting for 26.64 percent of China's washing products industry sales ranked third.

Created on:2024年5月16日 17:38